Wednesday 27 August 2014

I have been busy knitting gnomes for our "Give a Gnome a Home Campaign" to swell the funds to fund a sanctuary both for healing, spiritual development, alternative therapies etc. Our latest effort was Grandma Gnomey Nora with not only glasses but a small wooden walking stick plus wings -  Our gnomes are now going worldwide as well as our owls and I am knitting rainbow owls at this moment as well as some other project.  I am in the middle of knitting a white owl, but the rainbow wings are causing difficulties, but like Grandma Gnomey Nora's wings it will get resolved so Maria Veiga you will eventually get your owl.  There is also an order for another owl, an angel and a rattle so Lorna Hunte, Patricia Tucker Sevret and Linda Ferguson they will get done and the owl may be resolved with one of our latest rainbow owls which will be a hoot.  I am also knitting some mult- coloured tortoises.